Do You Hate Having To Manually Do Everything To Test And Deploy Your App?

The worst thing about building software isn’t the coding, it’s everything else you have to do to get it out there and running:

  • Builds
  • Automated tests
  • Saving build artifacts
  • Deploying the final artifacts to your servers

Does the following workflow sound familiar to you?

  • Commit your code.
  • Hunt around your documentation to find the build command.
  • Start the build.
  • Remember you need to add a special argument to the command because it’s a local build.
  • Cancel the build command and re-run it with the proper argument for a local build.
  • Go watch cat videos on your phone while you wait for the build to finish running.
  • Come back 10 minutes later and start the automated tests that verify your updates didn’t break anything.
  • Go back to cat videos while you wait for the automated tests to finish running.
  • Remember after an embarrassing amount of time later that the tests should be done.
  • Lookup the deployment command, and try to remember what your staging environment is named.
  • Copy the built copy of your app to the staging server via SCP.
  • SSH into the staging server and move the files where they’re supposed to go.
  • Restart the server so it uses the new code.

If you’re scratching your head and getting cold chills from embarassment at how long that list is when you actually write it out, I 100% get it. That’s a whole bunch of stuff that should rightfully be labeled “waste of time”.

Imagine a world where you commit your code, push it to Github, and then twenty minutes later you get an email report letting you know that everything was built, tested, and deployed successfully.

No waiting for the build to be done so you can run the tests.

No searching through documentation for deployment commands.

No laptop sitting there plugging away at the build-test-deploy cycle and being spectacularly useless for you in the process.

No waiting around for the senior dev on the team to do the deploy.

Just clean automation from push to final deployment.

The Solution

We can make each part of that wonderful dream happen. All you need is a CI/CD server and some workflow scripts for it to use.

If you’ve looked at the options available nowadays you’ll know there are dozens of choices for CI/CD platforms, and that can be difficult to sort through if you’re not a hardened DevOps Engineer.

Lucky for you, I’ve seen all of them and I’ll build you a CI/CD system that does what you need without breaking the bank because you start doing twenty builds a day. I’ve got over a decade of experience building and deploying apps of all different kinds, so I know exactly what your project will need to get up and running with a CI/CD server.

What Do You Get?

All that sounds good, sure, but what would you actually get from this?

  • A fully-configured Jenkins leader node + 1 connected worker node, both running in your own private AWS account, connected to your app Github repo, waiting for you to push new code to it so it can automatically build your app for you.
  • Infrastructure as Code to provision and configure additional worker nodes if your builds start to become too much for a single worker node.
  • Workflow scripts that will build your app, test it automatically, save the build artifacts, and then deploy them to your server of choice.
  • Documentation is king. Without documentation, every project falls into disarray. You’ll have a full set of documentation that describes and outlines every piece of the system I build. It wouldn’t do at all to leave you not knowing what systems are running on your behalf.


This service is a flat-fee $5000. The time savings alone will pay back your investment within a month or two of server spin-up.

Next Steps

Here’s how the process goes:

  • We get on a Zoom call to discuss your specific needs and ensure you have the groundwork in place to make use of a CI/CD server.
  • I send you an invoice.
  • Once the invoice is paid, I’ll send you a checklist of things I need to set up the server and workflow.
  • Once you get me the information and access I need, I’ll start implementing your workflow scripts and CI/CD server.
  • Once implementation is done, we’ll get together on another Zoom call to go over all the details and handle final delivery.
  • You get to enjoy the massive time savings that come from having a CI/CD server that automatically builds and deploys your app.

Now that you’ve seen just a glimpse of what life could be like, do you really want to go back to doing everything by yourself? Isn’t technology supposed to free us from tedious, repetitious manual tasks? Why do your users get to have their jobs automated but you don’t? Isn’t it time to make your own life easier?

Email me today to get started!